Yoga sandbags

Yoga sandbags are a great tool to integrate into your yoga practice. They are often used in Yin or Restorative Yoga practice. They enable your muscles to relax and your energy to feel more grounded. The weight of a sandbag can melt resistance and help your body experience passivity.


Yoga sandbags

    Yoga sandbags

Yoga sandbags

Yoga sandbags are a great tool to integrate into your yoga practice. They are often used in Yin or Restorative Yoga practice.

They enable your muscles to relax and your energy to feel more grounded. The weight of a sandbag can melt resistance and help your body experience passivity.

Yoga Sandbags  are underrated; they are the unsung heroes of meditation! Our sandbags come pre-filled unlike many other brands that require you to fill them yourself. They’re ready to go as soon as you get them!

How to use sandbags in your daily yoga routine.

  1. In Savasana place a Sandbag across your abdomen. You’ll find the weight of the bag anchors your focus and enables you to more fully absorb the benefits of your practice.
  2. While in Childs Pose lay the sandbag across your lower back to increase pressure.
  3. Ifyou’re searching for a bit more of a challenge, position yourself in Plank Pose with the sandbag on your bum and feel the intensity increase.
  4. With two sandbags you open up even more possibilities. Ultimately two sandbags is better than one but there are tons of variations you can do regardless of how many yoga sandbags you have!
  5. Use one on each thigh in Cobbler’s Pose. In Savasana use one on each arm to be grounded deeper or one on each shoulder to open up your heart
  6. Using them in a restorative twist can be extremely rewarding – one on the lower arm and one on the hip/thigh.

What are yoga sandbags used for?

Yoga sandbags add weight for increased stretch when placed between a person’s thighs, especially during the Virasana or other poses.

The sandbag increases a person’s awareness of a certain part of their body when placed on the body part.

Sandbags can be a wonderful tool to add to any yoga or stretching session. Sometimes a little added weight is just what you need to go a little deeper into that stretch, or to add a little resistance.

Some of these bags we rounded up come pre-filled and ready to use out of the box. We also liked the bags you can customize yourself and fill with sand, beans, rice, or whatever else you might prefer.

These bags are made of nylon and are easy to clean and soft to the touch. With a dust-free liner on the inside, there’s no worry about sand or dust seeping out during your workouts.

Stay focused, and enjoy this great workout product. You’ll notice four color options to choose from, so choose your favorite for comfort, personalization, and inspiration


Sandbags can be useful in lots of different poses. Here are three that we love:
  1. Standing Shoulder Stretch: It’s actually hard to stretch your shoulders without the help of something else—a teacher, a wall, blocks, etc. Using a Yoga Sandbag can assist in stretching the triceps, armpits and upper chest.
  2.  Raise your arms overhead, then bend your elbows so that your sandbag hangs down between your shoulder blades. Take 5 to 10 deep breaths and then release.
  3. Supine Hero’s Pose: This pose is a staple in many people’s practice—as long as their knees can tolerate it.
  4. Legs Up the Wall: One of Restorative Yoga’s classic poses, Legs Up the Wall can benefit from lots of prop variations. Traditionally, we use a bolster and yoga blanket, but straps and sandbags can come in handy too.
  5. Placing a bit of extra weight on your feet in this pose can help stabilize your sacroiliac area and relieve low-back stress. It’s a little tricky to position the sandbag yourself, but


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